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Need To Make a Loan Payment? Have Any Jewelry Lying Around?

Aug 6, 2013 | Personal Finance

We like to see people make the most of their resources. Unfortunately, far too many people struggle financially unnecessarily. If you’re having to choose between making the minimum payment on a high-interest loan and paying the electricity bill, something has to give. Many customers have resolved this conflict by selling their unused jewelry. 

It’s not unusual to sell jewelry for cash. You may have inherited some out-of-style jewelry or have bought or been gifted a piece you didn’t really like. Some people also buy jewelry as assets that they can sell later when prices increase. Owning authentic jewelry pieces is a smart investment because their prices continually increase despite inflation. 

Minute Loan Center has built a reputation for offering customers the best price for unwanted, used, or broken gold to make loan payments. We stand behind our service with a 14-day return policy. During this period, you can shop around the competitors to ensure you’ve been paid fairly for your precious metals.

Why You Should Sell Your Jewelry for Cash 

Selling your old jewelry has many benefits. Besides getting some cash to make your loan payments and get out of debt, there are other reasons to dig through your jewelry box for forgotten treasures.

1. To get some money for your bills

Consumer loans can be a big help under urgent circumstances, but you must be able to make regular, timely payments to qualify for a loan. If your credit report is less than stellar and you cannot get a loan, an alternative is to sell your unused jewelry for cash. Put the money you get towards the bills you can’t afford to skip, such as utilities, groceries, and rent, as you work towards becoming financially stable. 

2. To take advantage of the recent gold rush

The gold, silver, and other precious metals market is booming because many Americans are wary of the stock market as an investment vehicle due to the largely shaky global economy. Buying precious metals and stones has many benefits over investing in stock, such as hedging against inflation, having no credit risk, high liquidity, and intrinsic value.

Therefore, buying jewelry made from these metals has become a popular investment option. As such, now is the ideal time to benefit from old necklaces, bracelets, rings, or coins that are collecting dust. If they can help you make loan payments and get ahead financially, why not sell that jewelry for cash?

3. Waste not, want not

Unless they have a special or sentimental value, is it worth keeping earrings without mates, a watch that doesn’t tick, or a necklace with a broken clasp? If you plan to have these things repaired, that would be great, but set a deadline. When that time elapses, sell it and use the money to buy new functional pieces.

Get a Loan for Your Urgent Financial Need

If you still need to decide whether to sell your jewelry for cash, consider getting a loan instead. Minute Loan Center has generous, fast loans, and you’re likely to get your money on the same day, depending on when you apply. We have easy loan requirements and repayment terms; you can even use your jewelry to make loan payments. Contact us to apply for your loan today!

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. You should consult a credit counseling professional concerning the information provided and what should work best in your financial situation. And any action on your part in response to the information provided is at your discretion.

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