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FREE Fun Activities to do with Dad on Father’s Day

Jun 12, 2014 | Personal Finance

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Teresa

 Let’s face it—times are tough and money is tight. When thinking about Father’s Day gifts everyone wants to give their dad a gift that shows him just how much he is appreciated. However, you might feel like you don’t have enough money to fund such a gift. Holidays aren’t about buying loved ones expensive gifts; they’re about spending time and cherishing their presence. They say the best things in life are free. So, indulge in these free activities on Father’s Day that you both will enjoy.

Take your dad to a fun filled day at your local museum where the admission is free. Be sure to research which museums are free in your area. If the two of you share a love for art or history, it would be a great way to bond over the museum’s collection and spend quality time with your dad.

Go to a free outdoor concert! Bring your own snacks and beverages and enjoy the melodies of your favorite musician. That experience will be a memory the two of you will cherish forever.

Sports fan? Why not cater to dad as he watches the game? Make his favorite meal, pour him a cold drink, and make sure he has nothing to do but sit back and cheer his team on!

The best way to be grateful for what you have and who you have in your life is to give back. Go volunteer in your local community together—serving others, especially with someone you love, is the best gift you can give.

Start off with making dad his favorite breakfast. Then, plan a full day of fun active outdoor and indoor games.

  • Have a sack race
  • Play flag football
  • Play his favorite card game
  • Play catch
  • Freeze dance – dance goofy to music, freeze when the music stops, anyone who moves is out!
  • Red Light, Green Light

These games are great, especially if you have young children that can join in on the fun. It’s an amazing way to bond with the family. Click here for more ideas and rules.

If dad isn’t up for too much cardio, take him for a simple “walk and talk.” He will be happy you want to spend time with him. That’s the most important thing!

Other cool ideas:

  • Surprise your dad by mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage. He’ll be happy he doesn’t have to do those chores.
  • Pack your lunch in a cooler, take a blanket, grab a football and head to the park for a day of fun in the sun.
  • Have a movie night complete with his favorite popcorn and candy.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. You should consult a credit counseling professional concerning the information provided and what should work best in your financial situation. And any action on your part in response to the information provided is at your discretion.

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