Technology these days allows us to access information instantaneously. Before social media’s popularity took off, we were forced to wait. Searching for an answer required travelling to the library and opening up a book, or calling 411. Now, Google answers all of our questions in seconds. The progression of the Internet has only fed our penchant for instant gratification. But where one thing in life succeeds another must falter. It isn’t hard to fathom people having trouble with de-cluttering their homes.
Honestly – who has the time?
There are ways to keep your life clear of clutter and possibly profit from it. So, you’re killing two birds with one stone.
Those clothes in the back of your closet you haven’t worn with the tags on them—yea those! It’s time for them to go. Take them to a consignment shop, especially if they are on trend. You won’t get what you paid for them, but something’s better than nothing right? There are many stores, like Plato’s Closet, that will give you cash for clean, stylish clothing and accessories.
If you have old clothes you haven’t worn in five years that you have been holding onto for who knows why, in the words of Beyonce, to the left to the left! Get. Rid. Of. It. NOW!
Goodwill/Thrift Store
Giving to those who are in need is always better than money. You won’t get cash in your hand but you can write your donations off on your taxes. That’s something to think about.
Yard Sale
Make some lemonade, grab a beach chair and have a nice, relaxing yard sale. It’s like craigslist, but in person and with people you’re at least familiar with. Then you can negotiate your prices, enjoy time with your friends and neighbors, and make a little room in your garage.
Let’s face it—we live in the digital world. Some may call it lazy while others simply label it as utilizing their available sources. I like to call it working smarter, not harder. So, why not let the apps do the hard stuff for you. Check these apps out to help clean up the mess.
Don’t let technology and life’s pressures rule control your world. Unfortunately, we can’t give you Orbit to clean it up, but you can take charge and make a change for the better.

Kevin brings over 15 years of experience in marketing, with a specialized expertise in growing online businesses. As the Director of Marketing at a leading FINtech company, he employs innovative strategies to enhance brand visibility and customer engagement. Kevin’s passion lies at the intersection of technology and finance, where he pioneers solutions that not only meet but exceed consumer expectations. His commitment to leveraging his expertise ensures impactful results and the building of lasting relationships in the digital landscape.