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Cheap Ways To Hang With Your Friends

Jul 19, 2024 | Personal Finance

Almost every friend group has that one member who may not have as much spending cash as the rest for one reason or another. If that’s you, and you’ve already politely bowed out of a couple of expensive hangs and can’t foresee a time in the near future when you’ll be able to join in, there are a few things you can do.

Instead of letting your friends control the narrative all the time, try suggesting cheap places to hang out with friends. Chances are, they won’t mind as long as the cheap outings are fun and involving for the whole group.

Examples of Cheap Places To Hang Out With Friends

Dine at inexpensive restaurants

If your pack is geared more toward fancy restaurants, suggest an alternative place that doesn’t have all the bells and whistles. Just check social media for new restaurants that are getting good buzz. They may not be quite as prestigious, but if the food is good and the ambiance is right, cheap places can be excellent to hang out with friends. Besides, it’s always fun to discover a new favorite restaurant.

Outdoor activities

You may also suggest some cheap outdoor outings, especially those on the healthy side, such as a weekend hike, camping trip, or even a basketball game with another group of friends. A couples’ night might also be an inexpensive alternative, with everyone bringing one of their favorite dishes so the brunt of the meal doesn’t fall on you to provide.

Save Up for Those Inevitable Events

There are times when a cheap places to hang out with your friends may not be an option. If you know of a friend’s fancy event in a few weeks and you really want to participate, start saving in advance. Cut out the morning lattes, espressos, and artisanal scones and put that money toward the event. No one said you couldn’t indulge yourself occasionally; you only have to find creative ways to afford it.

Get a Small Loan

If all else fails, and you cannot have it your way with cheap outings, take out a small loan. You could get loans as low as $100. Minute Loan Center has quick loans that you may get even in just 1 hour. To apply for a loan, create an account here, and a customer representative will reach out to you shortly.

You may also contact us for help or clarification about the loan application. We’re eager to help you with the money you need to pay for fun activities and help you make the most out of cheap places that you may go to hang out with friends.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. You should consult a credit counseling professional concerning the information provided and what should work best in your financial situation. And any action on your part in response to the information provided is at your discretion.

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