What is a Credit Score? Your credit score is a three digit number obtained from detailed...
Personal Finance Archives
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Tips for Encouraging Your Children’s Financial Success
It's no secret that today's economy presents challenges to even the most financially responsible...
How to Make Budgeting Fun
What if budgeting was one of your favorite hobbies? Without thinking too much about it, write down...
How Pineapple Can Reduce Healthcare Costs
A pineapple a day keeps the doctor away…and much more! Pineapples are not only delicious but they...
Credit Card Debt
How Much Does the Average American Owe? As of September 2013 the average US household credit card...
$100 Bills Could Be Worth $1,000
Although two years behind schedule, the U.S. is finally scheduled to release new $100 bills on...
3 Ways To Save Big Bucks
Now that school bells are starting to ring again, parents are scrambling to find ways to save a...
Need To Make a Loan Payment? Have Any Jewelry Lying Around?
We like to see people make the most of their resources. Unfortunately, far too many people...