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Money-Saving Tips For Back to School

Sep 7, 2016 | Personal Finance

Back-to-school time is here, and for new college students, that means moving into dorm rooms for the first time. This transition can be expensive, since you’ll need to furnish the room to meet your needs. However, there are money-saving tips you can use to keep costs reasonable during this process.

Below are three money-saving tips you can do to minimize expenses when moving into a dorm room:

  • Budget: When you’re out shopping, it’s easy to be tempted by attractive products, and this can cause you to make purchases you don’t really need. Guard against this by creating a budget and sticking to it. Figure out what your necessities are and make a list. Use this as your guide when deciding what to buy.
  • Choose Multi-Purpose Pieces: Sometimes, a coffee table is just a coffee table, but if said table has storage underneath, it will provide you with more utility and added bang for the buck. Look for furniture serving multiple functions. This will save you money, and it will also allow you to make the most of the limited space available in your dorm room.
  • Hit Garage Sales & Resale Stores: To get the best prices on furniture, shop for used items. Garage sales are an excellent resource and can provide you with many bargains. Local resale stores can also provide a treasure trove of useful items for the money-saving shopper.

If you need help funding your moving expenses, turn to Minute Loan Center. Our specialists have been providing financial assistance to those who need it for over 20 years, and they offer options such as installment loans and lines of credit. Call (800) 960-FAST to speak to a representative, or learn more by visiting Minute Loan Center online.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. You should consult a credit counseling professional concerning the information provided and what should work best in your financial situation. And any action on your part in response to the information provided is at your discretion.

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